Kelly has done a fantastic job in the garden this year. We've been talking about having a garden since we moved in here in 2002. We dabbled in it last year, and got some hot peppers out of it (Kegger ate most of them though!), but this year Kelly went all out. He waters everything all the time- he definitely has the green thumb!
I've been telling Kyra how I used to go out to our garden in Beltsville and pick an entire salad for dinner. I got to tell her yesterday- "go pick some dinner"- she came back with the tomato!
Finally- my hydrangeas!!
The beginning of the watermelon-
Here's the watermelon 1 week later!
We have green peppers on the deck-
The cucumber snuck up on us. We kept looking for cucubmers, and this one attached itself to one of the tomato plants!
Out of hundreds of little green tomatoes- a red one is ready!!!